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After a long day at work, it was time to rush home, grab my bags, and jump in my son’s car for a ride to the airport. I was so excited and could not wait to get to Fort Lauderdale, Florida. For me, the hardest part about any vacation is flying! I have never been a fan of flying, so it always causes me a little anxiety. Let’s face it, when you are up there in the big blue skies, all you can do is trust God, right?? LOL. Flying is the one thing that always challenges me to remember how much I REALLY trust God. I am sure that some of you can relate. 😊 As I was working through the anxiety, a song by William McDowell entitled, “Wrap me in Your Arms,” played from my playlist. I began to relax as I imagined God wrapping me in His big, strong, gentle arms.

After a connecting flight, visit to the rental car counter and navigating Fort Lauderdale to find my hotel, I was exhausted. I ran to a local store and grabbed a few bags of chips and soup and quickly retired for the night. The next morning, I had a long shower, coffee, and breakfast before heading to Pompano Beach to just sit and watch the waves.

This was my first time ever visiting the beach, and I must say that it is one of the most beautiful beaches that I have seen ever! It took me back to my childhood when my parents would take my sister and me to the gulf coast of Biloxi, Mississippi. The water was so clear, so blue, and so beautiful. I marveled at the creator’s work while wading in the shallow water.

The weather was perfect and because I visited pre-spring break, the crowds were few. I sat in the sand for some time watching families, lovers, and singles enjoy the day. It was absolute bliss for me, and I dream of returning soon. I ended the night at a cute restaurant, Acqua Bistro in Hollywood, Florida. It was challenging having dinner by myself while avoiding the occasional stares…sigh…I made it through dinner and at dusk, I took pictures of the beautiful pool (see the video on my About Me page).

Day 1 consisted of me simply listening and talking to God the entire day. I released some of the pain of my divorce and silently wished my ex-husband well. At the end of the day, I thanked God for His presence and graciously prayed that tomorrow would also be filled with nothing but His glory.