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Wow, another day—Day 3! This day started as one of those ‘rush’ days. I had to get up, check out of my hotel in Fort Lauderdale, and drive over to Lakeland, Florida for a praise dance conference with Pastor Lynn Hayden. Once I got started driving, I realized that I was actually ahead of schedule (thank God), so I was able to relax more as I took the drive and just talk to God. The scenery was beautiful; in fact, I was surprised that the drive was not straight highway. I got the chance to see some of the country parts of Florida and just relax. I secretly hoped that I would get a glance at an alligator (it’s a midwestern thing), but sigh…that didn’t happen.

What did happen was a lot of peace and security in who I am in Jesus Christ. I used this time to ask God to cover me and to build my self-esteem despite what I felt to be true. Being on a retreat with God allowed me the time to ponder every little detail of my life where I didn’t think I fit.

Soon, I arrived in Lakeland! After a scheduling snafu, I arrived at the conference and began to learn the dance. It was a wonderful experience to meet other like-minded women who had the desire to learn different dance techniques to take back to their respective churches. I felt a sense of connection as Pastor Lynn taught dance and at times allowed the words of the music to minister as we danced. There was a moment in there where it was a little hectic because I had gotten tired, but for the most part, I really enjoyed the experience of just sharing my faith with other women. I wish that I could be around like-minded people all the time, but I know that God uses ministry so that we will go out and make disciples. I guess the lesson here is that no matter what you do for the Lord, always take it seriously because God can use you as a minister no matter your past and no matter how insignificant it may mean to you. Never forsake the opportunity to give life to others as you stay on your path to healing.